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  • Writer's picturemisssarahjoybrown

A Reason Why

I’ve been asked why I want to be a teacher more times than I can count. Every time I get asked this question I get so nervous because I feel like there’s so much pressure behind this simple question. You need to have an impactful story. You need to have a strong reason why. Otherwise, why are you even in this profession? Teaching isn’t for everybody. So, if you’re going to be a teacher you better have a strong “why” behind you. The thought that my story might now be impactful enough or that i might not have a strong enough reason why has been something I’ve really struggled with.

The other day I was talking with a colleague in hopes to gain insight on how to answer certain interview questions. The greatest advice he gave me was that sometimes the question isn’t about what others want to hear. It’s about what I want to say. This simple statement changed everything.

It’s so easy for me to get caught up in thinking about what others want to hear that I forget to stop and think about what I really want to say. I realized that the question why teaching isn’t just about having an impactful story.

It’s about self reflection and understanding yourself. This isn’t a question for other people. It’s a question to ask yourself. Because teaching isn’t a profession. It’s a mindset; a mindset in which we must grow, learn and explore new possibilities each and every day. If we simply choose this profession without a passion for this mindset, we lose our impact.

So, why did I choose teaching?

Originally, I wrote a story that focused on the impact my college roommate had on my decision to pursue teaching. And don’t get me wrong, it’s a good, impactful, true story & you can check it out on my website! But, it wasn’t exactly how I’d envisioned answering this question. It’s just one story I thought others might like to hear; it wasn’t necessary my entire reason why. The truth is there isn’t a single reason why. I have a million little reasons why & for me, that’s enough.

To college roommate who invited me to Honduras and enlightened me of the amazing school her family built, thank you. You are my reason why.

To my parents for teaching me to stay true to myself and supporting me through each and every step of this journey, thank you. You are my reason why.

To my high school theatre & choir teachers that helped me through some of the toughest times in my life and showed me true friendship, thank you. You are my reason why.

To my little brother who constantly calls me for help on his homework and reminds me of the simple joy of those aha moments, thank you. You are my reason why.

To the students who welcomed me into their classroom, and allowed me to learn with them. Thank you. You are my reason why.

To all of the teachers who have helped me grow along the way. You are all truly an inspiration. I cannot thank you enough. You are my reason why.

To everyone who encouraged, inspired and impacted me along this journey. Thank you because you believed in me, I am able to believe in them.

I teach because I have a passion to inspire others to create a reason why.

A reason why a student believes in themselves.

A reason why a student pursues their dreams.

A reason why a student doesn’t give up despite the setbacks.

A reason why a student simply enjoys learning.

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